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AWF: All-Star Wrestling Federation, is a continuation of a defunct wrestling company from the 1990s that gave its fans the one thing that they have been craving for a long time, family-friendly professional wrestling that everyone can enjoy, When the final bell rings & the show is over, all the fans can leave with smiles of enjoyment.


AWF is proud to announce that we are here to connect with the Inner City / Urban Community, we take pride in being a part of a solution that helps build a community and respects the people that live within all neighborhoods. We here at AWF would like to thank all the people within our neighborhoods of Reading, PA, and surrounding areas.


With the passing of the torch from one wrestler to another comes a new era. When a wrestling promotion evolves into something great from its predecessor which came beforehand, this is the reincarnation of the LEGENDARY "AWF: All-Star Wrestling Federation".


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